I visited the websites youtube.com
I used the tags: shoe tying, 5 minute tying, 6 year old tying shoelace knots
These sits were all created for children one is created for a 6 year old in particular.
I especially liked you tube for shoe tying because it gives a video step by step how to tie a shoe. I think as teacher this is important because I am a visual learner and its better than just listening to instruction seeing it as well is a major help. However for those who aren't visual learners there can still be a list of printed out directions and for those who don't like to read directions someone can administer it to them orally.
How to eat at a table.
Find the video here
This video shows proper etiquette for using a knife continental style. The video shows the correct placement of the dishes that go on the table as well as the silverware. This video shows the proper way to hold silverware and use your silverware to eat.
it could be used with contstructivist learning because although there are proper way to do things, there are numerous ways to teach yourself how to do them so you are most comfortable. This video gives you the opportunity to teach yourself proper etiquette.
Such technology as Facebook, MySpace, and Linkedin are providing immediacy for our children to socialize and communicate with one another. Rather than pick up the phone to give someone a call to communicate or going outside to play with neighbors as we use to, these websites allow for us to chat virtually Social development is affected, students are losing sight of the importance of face to face conversations, not everything should be communicated through internet or computer screens. I would tell my students that everything that write and post on their statuses is monitored and can be seen by everyone (including their parents.) Things that were written and published to the internet can never be erased and can haunt them in the future.
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