Sunday, June 22, 2014

Maria Montessori and her Legacy

Montessori schools believe in children blooming, learning is nurtured by the environment they are learning in and there is a specific time for children to mature. In a Montessori classroom children are the center of the classroom and creativity and uniqueness is essential. Montessori schools also believe that the things that come from within a child are the most important aspects of development. In a Montessori classroom the student chooses their own work, works at their own learning pace, and discovers their own concepts from self-teaching materials. The child also has the opportunity to work on their chosen project for as long as they’d like. Students also have the ability to work where they’d like and group activity is especially encouraged.  Montessori schools also have organized programs that encourage care of self and environment. This helps students learn concepts such as cleaning items. Teachers are encouraged to have an unobtrusive position in the classroom and to be there as a guide and not necessarily a teacher. Maria Montessori has a concept which states that children go through 4 planes of development.I couldn't have chosen a greater person to research. Maria Montessori has left an amazing legacy and her concept to me is brilliant. 

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